Our quick top 5 tips about buying solar or batteries in the UK.

Choose Local Contractors
Selecting local contractors not only contributes to the growth of your community's economy but also supports local employment.
In addition, their proximity ensures a faster response to any issues compared to national companies.
Most are usually 45mins away
Be cautious of fake reviews
Fake reviews are prevalent online, making it crucial to verify the legitimacy of testimonials. Request access to the installer's job monitoring platforms to view their completed local projects, providing tangible proof of their reliability.
Assess trading experience
In the ever-evolving solar industry, it's essential to inquire about the duration of the company's presence. Be cautious of newcomers, especially those who re-enter the market after the 2012 feed-in-tariff cessation. Ask specifically about their experience in solar and battery solutions, and exercise caution if the company has less than two years of relevant trading experience. ​

Our Team is qualified by the manufacturers to install more than just one system
The suit of manufacturers in the solar inverter and battery storage industry is characterised by a commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability.
Their contributions are integral to the advancement and widespread adoption of renewable energy technologies and these are our trusted team in Solar renewable technologies.